GCCS Tuition Assistance Fund

We are pleased to announce the GCCS Tuition Assistance Fund is taking applications for the 2025-2026 school year beginning March 1, 2025.

The instructions and application can be found HERE

Here are some facts you should know before filing your application:

  • There is a three page instruction sheet enclosed in this attachment which will walk you through the Smart Aid Application process step by step.
  • Follow this link for Tuition & Fees that you will need for the application.
  • Tuition Assistance Awards will be based solely on financial need and that need will be determined by Smart Aid. Smart Aid is a 3rd party qualifier contracted by GCCS to determine financial need assistance.
  • The application process is not intended to intimidate, rather, it ensures that the amount of aid given to each family is objective and that as many students as possible receive help. All information is confidential and is independently reviewed.
  • Tuition Assistance Applications will be accepted and awarded on a first come first served basis until the budgeted amount in our fund has been depleted. (The Smart Aid application is not complete until all documents are uploaded to the Smart Aid website. Smart Aid will email the status of your application.)
  • All new families must complete the GCCS admission process. All returning families must be re-enrolled.
  • There is a nonrefundable $35 fee payable to Smart Aid upon completion of your application.
  • Families will receive notification regarding their monthly awards by email from GCCS. The maximum amount awarded will not exceed 20% of the total monthly tuition rate.

Questions about the application process should be directed to Smart Aid at 800-360-8027.

Questions on awards and tuition should be directed to Michele Doran, GCCS TAF Coordinator at 856-589-1665 ex. 7 or

Sincerely in Christ,

GCCS Admin Team

Gal 6:10 ~ As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Interested in supporting the TAF? Click HERE